Friday, February 24, 2012

mid - Feb. continued

By the way, Thea has learned to crawl, and as you can see from her proximity to the wood, she has identified the most interesting (ie non-baby friendly) things to investigate...

mid february

Here are some pics of our recent goings on - time with friends big and small and of course, the usual shots of our day-to-day. We've enjoyed a week off from work for February vacation - though the lack of snow is starting to get a bit old. Luckily Thea (and Nikolai!) provide plenty of entertainment.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

9 months (plus or minus a week)

All is well here in Shutesbury. Thea turned 9 months on Februrary 3rd and Nikolai will be 16 (!) on the 17th. Thea is still waiting for her first sledding adventure but even without the snow, she is exploring her world - she is particularly (dare I say, doggedly) focused on standing - be it holding on to a windowsill, table, or our fingers. Every stage has been a marvel, but we all agree that this age is especially fun (in regards to both Nikolai and Thea!)