Sunday, July 22, 2012

Summer 2012

Here are a few shots from the last two months. Hopefully more will follow soon! Thanks for your patience. Love to all...

Friday, June 1, 2012

Grandpa Frank's visit, etc.


Dancing with Ariel

Cake! Thank you Grandpa Frank. 

Intrigue, captured by party photographer Nikolai Wright

Mornings with Grandpa. 

Ipad leaners. No comment on who is more skilled. 

Thea never tires of Nikolai's musical talents

Pile of clean laundry = Mt. Everest for Thea

Monday, May 28, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012

Lake Wyola

A few pictures from April - more recent ones coming! 
the lake by our house - early april

First bare feet in the sand - heaven! 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Big brother

Thea loves Nikolai, more than anyone (seriously, she is always, always happy to be with him.) She especially loves when he plays guitar. She's learning to love when he gets her dressed...He is such an incredible big brother.

Busy little girl

Here are some pics of Thea in action - her new favorite past time is climbing the stairs. She is crawling everywhere and loves being outside. All the better to tire her out :)


Hello again! Now the snow is gone and spring is coming, slowly but surely. Here are a few close ups of our little lady. More pics soon to follow.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


We finally got a bit of snow (8 inches or so) and Nikolai, Thea, Jeremey and I all had a snow day together on Thursday. Thanks to Audrey for passing on this wonderful snow suit for Thea to play in...(note - the story of the picture that shows Thea's bare hand is that her sweet papa wanted to see what she would think of the snow first hand...she was curious, to say the least)

Friday, February 24, 2012

mid - Feb. continued

By the way, Thea has learned to crawl, and as you can see from her proximity to the wood, she has identified the most interesting (ie non-baby friendly) things to investigate...