Sunday, September 25, 2011

outside livin'

A few more images from the day. More dirt, more smiles. Life is good.

dirt is good.

We spent the day outside today stacking wood. Thea entertained herself for hours on her playmat and managed to find herself some good dirt. Who wants to try rice cereal if there's dirt on hand?! She's quite the independent one these days - even contemplating sitting on her own!

Friday, September 23, 2011

fun with sweet cheeks

Here are a few scenes of the day to day. We're all getting back into the swing of work/school with alarm clocks, making of lunches, earlier bed times, etc. Thea continues to be pure joy and is 'talking' up a storm these days. Nikolai is deep into school and soccer and Jeremey and I have our hands full at work (in good ways). As you can see, Murry is tolerating being at the bottom of our family totem pole with his usual good natured-ness.

Monday, September 5, 2011

fun on the floor

Here are a few pics of recent weeks. Thea has learned to roll over from her back to her front (and is still figuring how to get back over) I couldn't resist putting one in of Jeremey working on the kitchen floor - it is now retiled, but I don't have any images of the new floor just yet. Thea has started attending a home day care now that Jeremey and I are back at work and she is loving it there. She is a total rock star. Her day care provider, Kyla, has proven to be a wonderful woman and suffice it say, she has earned her title as the bottle whisperer. Love to all...