Thursday, June 30, 2011

projects and growth

So there's a lot happening these days - some things are vividly visible like decks being stained and rooms being painted and other things are more subtly visible such as
thea's ever squeezable cheeks and the fact that there is less and less space for Thea in her moses basket. We have spent the day at my aunt Robin's house, where Thea enjoyed a leisurely siesta on the couch on the screened in porch. Total bliss...Needless to say that Jeremey has been hard at work since vacation started...

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Thea and I drove to upstate NY today to visit Bessie and Eric, Cathy and Tip. We had a wonderful visit and have just returned home...Thea was a champ and napped the entire time there and back - missing out on the dramatic green of our wet early summer. At Cathy and Tip's we feasted on NYC bagels and lox from a favorite deli, brought upstate by the fabulous Tip this morning. Thea was a sweetheart and napped on Cathy through the entire meal, letting her mom eat two handed! Hope to see everyone again soon!

Monday, June 13, 2011

We just had a wonderful visit with my brother, his wife, and their two kids who live in Colorado. Eric was the photographer of the weekend and will have pics on his blog, but here are a few from my little camera from the past few days. The one of Thea sleeping was taken 5 minutes ago - she is clearly in a deep slumber from all the excitement...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

all in a day's work

Here's a pic of Thea, all tuckered out from building this fire pit and oak bench. She told Jeremey exactly what to do...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

thea and friends

A few shots of Thea with her brother and friends. She seems to love being out and about in the world. As of this morning, she's up to 9 lbs, 5 oz and her cheeks are getting more squeezable by the minute. Thanks as always for checking in...