Thursday, May 26, 2011

more from ann's visit

a few more images from mom's visit (photos by ann w olson, but of course! :)

I'm still learning how to do this whole blog thing, with picture titles, etc. so bear with me. In lieu of titles, here are pics of the wright family (nikolai is 15!), thea gazing at our friend ariel (who was the officiant at our wedding), ariel's son malick (almost 10!) and ariel, thea, and me, and of course thea - in blissful sleep.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

More Thea

My dad was here for a week and unfortunately we didn't get any pictures of him and Thea! :(
My mom is here now and we're trying to be more on the photo ball.

Here are a few of a bath (umbilical cord long gone!), a visit to my Aunt Robin's, Jeremey's after work treat, and Thea in all her glory.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Apparently the day I made this blog there was some problem with Blogger and everything I initially posted disappeared! Oh well...

So, here she is! Thea Fiona Wright was born May 3rd at 5:07 in the morning (weighing in at 7 lbs 2 oz) and is as wonderful as can be. So far she is rivaling Nikolai in the good looks and charm department and we are all enjoying spring here in our new home together.

Much love to all.

(and since I was remiss to share many 'before' photos, here are a few of those as well.)